@echo off rem Borrowed from the top of freedos\fdauto.bat rem kasatkin.org set DEBUG=N set NLSPATH=A:\FREEDOS set DIRCMD=/P /OGN /4 set LANG=EN set PATH=A:\FREEDOS;A:\DRIVER;A:\TOOLS rem Get boot arguments getargs >temp.bat call temp.bat del temp.bat rem Serial console redirect if "%sercons%"=="" goto end1 echo Redirecting console to %sercons% if not "%baudhard%"=="" mode %sercons% baudhard=%baudhard% if not "%baud%"=="" mode %sercons% baud=%baud% ctty %sercons% :end1 rem Flash BIOS if "%model%"=="" goto end2 echo Flashing BIOS for motherboard model %model% call %model%.bat poweroff :end2